<em>Village Voice</em> Columnist Reprises Lindsay Reprising Marilyn

Columnist Reprises Lindsay Reprising Marilyn

Just two weeks ago, Village Voice columnist Michael Musto told the Huffington Post that appearing in drag once cost him an ad campaign and that one lesson he's learned is that, in his own words, "I sometimes tell too much, I show my hand."

That apparently did not stop him from reprising Lindsay Lohan's New York magazine photo shoot reprising Marilyn Monroe. Writes Musto:

I've long lived quite dangerously myself, and so, anxious to share my desperate man-tits with an audience beyond Chelsea, I gleefully agreed to star in an homage to an homage: Musto as Lohan as Marilyn. That's three generations of loveliness, and I prepared for it by not shaving or waxing a thing, just letting it all hang in the wind as both a nod to history and a means of reclaiming control. Just like with Marilyn and Lindsay, people have always grabbed at me, wanting a piece of my piece and a slice of my soul, but usually with more pepperoni and less cheese. Well, this time, I was seizing the power back by saying: "My bits are only mine to give. Now here they are, world. Take it all!"

Below, a sampling of Musto as Lohan as Marilyn, taken by New York-based photographer Howard Huang. For the full spread, visit VillageVoice.com.




Photos by Howard Huang

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