PRI's 'Fair Game' Brings You The McLaughlin Group Mashup

PRI's 'Fair Game' Brings You The McLaughlin Group Mashup

Something I've learned from the talkback I've received from the Sunday Morning LiveBlogs is that a lot of you love some McLaughlin Group. And it's easy to see why: the show is your best bet for a dose of unhinged, unfiltered, knock-down-drag-out nonsense. And it's all paced by the effortlessly florid, sturm und drang-infused oratorical skills of the show's eponymous host. When it comes right down to it, does political chatter get better than this:

MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Question: Does Romney's endorsement seal the deal? Is McCain now the inevitable Republican nominee? I ask you, Pat.

MR. BUCHANAN: John, absent celestial intervention, I think he's going to get the nomination.

MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Absent what?

MR. BUCHANAN: Celestial intervention.

MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Well, it happens, Pat. May he rest in peace, Paul Wellstone. John Heinz was killed in an airplane crash.

MR. BUCHANAN: Well, let's not speculate on it.

MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Death comes in the night on cats' paws, Pat. You never know.

MR. BUCHANAN: On little cats' feet. That's the fog, John, that comes in on little cats' feet.

I mean, celestial intervention? Little cats' feet? That is awesome. You'd be hard pressed to find a way to improve upon that exchange, but gosh darn if the folks at PRI's Fair Game didn't find a way to do it. The stroke of genius? Have party-rock all-star Andrew WK put the McLaughlin Group to music.

The results are a mashup with vision, a song that you will listen to more than once, I promise. Fair Game sets up the whole thing with an interview that you can - and should - listen to here. But if you do nothing else, go get yourself some enjoyment, and download their MP3.

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