Aloha, Anderson! Jeff Toobin Calls In From Hawaii Via Web-Cam

Aloha, Anderson! Jeff Toobin Calls In From Hawaii Via Web-Cam

The 24-hour news cycle doesn't take a vaction — and neither do the hardest-working correspondents in the biz. CNN Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin is one such soldier, calling into chat with Anderson Cooper via webcam from his family vacation in Maui, Hawaii — giving a new meaning to the phrase "phoning it in" not only because in this case it meant going the extra mile, but also because he didn't use a phone. In this case Toobin has extra insight to offer, because not only is he a legal analyst, he's also Spitzer's classmate from Harvard Law School (and Silda Spitzer's as well). That kind of insight requires a satellite uplink, or at the very least a reliable wireless signal. TVNewser did the legwork (he transmitted via Skype; the hotel's business center helped); we pulled the video, which includes all sorts of interesting details about the legal intricacies of the now-fallen New York Governor Eliot Spitzer thanks to Toobin, the rather permissive Alan Dershowitz and legal analyst Lisa Bloom speculating about what sort of deal might be going down behind the scenes as Spitz prepared to resign and discussing the intricacies of the ever-amusingly named "Mann Act." Watch and be jealous of the Hawaiian breezes that are not waiting for you when you log off:

Or maybe don't be that jealous of Toobin; he stayed dutifully at his post for more commentary later in the hour, and it sure looks nice behind him. Oh, how we wish he'd made a joke about getting lei'd. Ah well. Have a great vacation, Toobs!

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