Ka-Pow! "Verdict" With Dan Abrams Starts Tonight, Straight From The Hall Of Justice

Ka-Pow! "Verdict" With Dan Abrams Starts Tonight, Straight From The Hall Of Justice

Tonight marks the debut of "Verdict," the "new" 9 p.m. show hosted by Dan Abrams that will be very much like the old 9 p.m. show hosted by Dan Abrams, albeit with some new bells and whistles and a lot more superhero graphics. Regular viewers will no doubt recognize Abrams' animated, opinioinated style as he bandies about the news of the day with his (often feisty) guests and weighs in on matters, a la the scales of justice — as befits a card-carrying lawyer.

Here's how Abrams described it here on HuffPo:

For the past six months, we have been assessing exactly what this show should be. Political? Legal? What about pop culture? Verdict will examine all of the most controversial stories of the day through the eyes of a critical lawyer. What will make the show unique is not as much which stories we cover, but how we cover them. I will be sure to let you know where I stand, back it up with facts and then make judgments on a wide range of stories... I will try to use my legal background to assess right from wrong and ultimately announce the day's winners and losers.

MSNBC viewers got a sneak peek on one of them today as Abrams was called in to weigh in on an actual verdict — the $48.6 million settlement between Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. Abams discussed the case with MSNBC's Contessa Brewer below, and also laid out his vision for his show (and his affection for the superhero graphics). The clip is below for your viewing pleasure; come back tomorrow for our take on the show and a more in-depth at the unusual path that led Abrams from legal-show host to network boss back in front of the camera to, well, legal-show host — a new-and-improved version in a hot timeslot in a hot cable television season on a hot ratings streak. From the halls of power to the halls of justice — in the meantime, try to muster some sympathy for poor $48-million Healther Mills. She don't care too much for money, money can't buy her love.

MSNBC debuted "Verdict" as part of a revamped programming schedule including the brand-new "Race For The White House" hosted by David Gregory, which replaces the show formerly hosted by Tucker Carlson.


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