Huffpollstrology: Candidates' Horoscopes, Polls And More For March 19

Huffpollstrology: Candidates' Horoscopes, Polls And More For March 19

Polls have come to dominate the media's horse race coverage of political campaigns. Pundits and reporters constantly use them to tell us who's hot and who's not -- but skip over the fact that plummeting response rates and variables like undecided voters and margins of error and often render these polls useless as anything other than lightweight diversions on par with horoscopes and political betting lines. Our HuffPollstrology chart helps keep you up to date on the latest poll results, along with the latest horoscope predictions, and the latest online political betting lines - and will hopefully help the polling junkies in the media keep polls in the proper perspective.

See the bottom of the entry for polling methodology.


Public Policy Polling Poll


October 26, 1947

You may sense a new momentum. People whose abilities and promises you doubted only last week, could start delivering the goods. Even so, you may feel the need to ask more probing questions and, if necessary, travel in order to put these face-to-face. It might be particularly useful to have someone witness a particular discussion that you know will be subjected to further analysis later. In short, getting facts right seems particularly important.

chance of



Public Policy Polling Poll


August 4, 1961

Assisted by someone born under one of the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, you could carefully word a letter or rehearse a sentence that ensures someone working in a large company will solve a problem for you. True, it may be necessary to infer that you'll take legal advice if this problem isn't handled quickly. The entire process could alert you to different ways of getting what you want. Your love-life could benefit from the rediscovered ability to listen carefully.

chance of


Overcast with rain showers. High of 70 degrees. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain is 70%.

Partly cloudy and windy. High of 87 degrees. 20% chance of rain. Winds S at 20 to 30 mph.

Cloudy. High of 44 degrees. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. 20% chance or rain.

Mainly sunny. High of 81 degrees. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. 0% chance of rain.


Democratic Poll: Public Policy Polling

PPP surveyed 597 likely Democratic primary voters on March 15th and 16th. The survey’s margin of errors is +/- 4.0%. Other factors, such as refusal to be interviewed and weighting, may introduce additional error that is more difficult to quantify.



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