How To Get Around That Pesky Paywall

How To Get Around That Pesky Paywall

Late in January, Rupert Murdoch put an end to speculation that he would set free the Wall Street Journal's subscription-only Web site.

While he planned to "expand" the site's free offerings, "the really special things will still be a subscription service, and, sorry to tell you, probably more expensive," the News Corp. head told a crowd in Davos, Switzerland. The pay wall, in other words, would stay up.

But Murdoch, quel surprise, wasn't telling the whole truth: The Wall Street Journal's Web site already is free. Every article that the paper publishes is available to anyone, for no money at all.

By "every article," I mean all of them -- from the front, inside and back of the paper, from the lengthiest investigative features to the merest news nuggets. And by "free," I mean for not a single dime, and certainly not the site's $79 annual fee.

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