The Time 100: Influencers Under The Influence

The Time 100: Influencers Under The Influence

Last night was the Time 100, the last in the recent spate of black-tie events honoring people who are fancy and important and making the other people attending feel very fancy and important, too. We have photo evidence, of course, but since we took two photos for every influencer honored, we are going to once again make you wait. Photos don't upload themselves, people, though if they did odds are that a Time 100er like Jeff Han or Jay Adelson or Muqtada Al-Sadr would have invented it. Except for that last one. While you're waiting, please enjoy this complimentary picture of Joe Klein. Mehmet Oz, Rupert Murdoch, hot pregnant SNL cast members, Mariah Carey in a very tight dress, honorees with beards and a pic I like to call "Chuckles McCain" coming soon!

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