Jason Furman: Ex-Knife Juggler Turned Obama Econ Adviser

Jason Furman: Ex-Knife Juggler Turned Obama Econ Adviser

As the new economic policy director on Senator Obama's presidential bid, Jason Furman will have to juggle the competing demands of labor leaders, corporate titans, scoop-seeking reporters, and erudite academics. His experience as a White House adviser and aide to a Nobel-winning economist will surely come in handy, but in the maelstrom of a fast-moving campaign he may draw more on the skills he honed two decades ago juggling torches, knives, and bowling balls for tourists on the streets of New York.
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"It was mostly in Washington Square Park and on Columbus Avenue," Mr. Furman, 37, said in an interview, taking care not to exaggerate the abilities he showcased as a high school student. "Sometimes it was a bowling ball and egg and an apple. I never did three bowling balls. Just one."

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