Campbell Robertson, <em>New York Times</em>' Broadway Reporter, Headed To Iraq As War Correspondent

Campbell Robertson,' Broadway Reporter, Headed To Iraq As War Correspondent

Campbell Robertson, the dogged Times journalist who has worked his way up from office clerk to gossip reporter to Broadway-beat man, is headed to Iraq.

"We were out last night and he was picking my brain on Iraq," said Times Baghdad bureau chief Jim Glanz in a telephone interview on June 17. "He said that people have been asking him when he's going to Iraq. And he said he'll go once the Tonys are over!"

In some ways, it's unbelievable that a man who wrote a story for Monday's Times recapping the Tonys--for instance, he wrote that the awards tried to "goose ratings" by including more numbers from Rent this year--is going to be filing with Basra and Mosul datelines before old story subjects are back from the Hamptons.

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