McCain/Crist/Oil: Will Crist Sell Out Environment For Veepstakes?

McCain/Crist/Oil: Will Crist Sell Out Environment For Veepstakes?

If ever someone personified the perils of the politics of energy, it's Florida Gov. Charlie Crist.

Mr. Crist has cultivated a lefty environmental image over the past couple of years for talking tough about curbing climate change. More recently, with the presidential campaign heating up, he feinted to the right, embracing the notion of drilling off the coast of his state. Now he appears to have moved left again, announcing a $1.7 billion Everglades restoration deal by buying out U.S. Sugar that environmentalists call one of their biggest coups in U.S. history.

Is Charlie Crist's left-right political jig an attempt to keep alive his options in the Republican veepstakes?

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