"Date My Ex: Jo & Slade" Celebrates Premiere With Charity Date Auction

Slade Smiley, SVP & General Manager at Bravo Francis Berwick, SVP programming and production at Bravo Andy Cohen and Jo De La Rosa

To celebrate the premiere of their new Bravo show, "Date My Ex: Jo & Slade," former "Real Housewives of Orange County" star Jo de la Rosa and her ex-fiance Slade Smiley hit New York's Tenjune Wednesday night for a charity date auction. The event, dubbed "Recycle Your Ex," was held to raise money for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and it featured prizes like a $350 gift certificate for a date at Wall Street Burger Shoppe with NYU student Selena (sold for $750) and $200 to Buddha Bar for a date with Lauren, a "spicy" analyst from Short Hills, NJ who likes "any music except slit your wrists music" (sold for $800).

Other girls, like 21-year old Miranda from Philadelphia (prefers shithole bars to fancy dinners for first dates), "Corporate Sexy Sarah," a 24-year old Duke grad who likes bacon-flavored bourbon, and 23-year old Talia, who threw "Buy me!" cookies out to the crowd, fared better, going for over $1,000 each despite the fact that, as one onlooker in the crowded club complained, "You can't even see their bodies!"

But the evening's climax came when Slade stepped up to the auction block. The final auction of the night, Slade initially went for $2,250 -- but the winning bidder never stepped up to claim her prize. When the auctioneer backpedaled and tried to give Slade away to the $2,000 bidder, she went mum as well, forcing the organizers to restart the auction (while Jo danced on a banquette away from the stage, cheering on the debacle). "This is New York, I thought there was more money than that," Slade said to the crowd. Upon re-bid, he ended up selling for a measly $1,200.

"Date My Ex: Jo & Slade" premieres on July 21 on Bravo. The show centers around Jo's search for love and success as she leaves Orange County behind to pursue a recording career in LA, but not without her ex-fiance. After Jo's friends set her up on dates, potential suitors must move in with Slade so he can select who is most worthy of dating his ex.

Below, photos from the event (courtesy Bravo):

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