White House Tee Ball Slideshow (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

White House Tee Ball Slideshow (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

This Wednesday, President Bush welcomed children from all 50 states to the White House's South Lawn for an All-Star Tee Ball game. Here are some photos from the event.

Photos courtesy of The Associated Press and The White House.

The Chicago Tribune notes an amusing occurrence from the tee ball event:

Something made little Emily from Kentucky run away crying after she was called out onto the field to meet President Bush on the South Lawn yesterday after a tee-ball game. Emily took a few steps toward Bush, then a lot more steps back, hugged the fence looking terrified, got pulled up there by some adults and then ran away.

She was going, going, gone.

We wonder if she was running from Bush or the giant chipmunk. You tell us.

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