Al Gore, T. Boone Pickens: Rival Party Role Models

Al Gore, T. Boone Pickens: Rival Party Role Models

T. Boone Pickens has a new role model: Al Gore.

Mr. Pickens, a longtime Republican partisan, and Al Gore, the former Democratic vice president, don't agree on much when it comes to politics. But Mr. Gore's global-warming awareness campaign has set a bar for Mr. Pickens' own effort to sound alarms about the dangers of depending on foreign oil.

"The goal is to have a greater impact than Al Gore has had on global warming," said Jay Rosser, a spokesman for Mr. Pickens. "He envisions an aggressive campaign to make this the No. 1 public policy issue in America and drive to real measurable change."

Whether that will happen is uncertain, but Mr. Pickens has already made it to Washington, where he presented his plan to a Senate panel on Tuesday. Afterward, the Texas oilman said he's approached both presidential candidates about discussing his plan for reducing the country's dependence on foreign oil.

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