Obama Campaign Manager: No "Bounce" Expected From Overseas Trip

Obama Campaign Manager: No "Bounce" Expected From Overseas Trip

Campaign manager David Plouffe says the smooth foreign swing by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) will help win votes in the long run but won't produce an immediate surge in polls.

"We wouldn't expect any sort of, I guess the term people use is 'bounce,'" Plouffe said by phone from campaign headquarters in Chicago.

The manager, noting that he pays less attention to national polls than polls in key states, said his campaign views the general-election as "five months in totality."

"We view everything as kind of a package - there's not going to be any one thing that is decisive," he said. "It was an important week, but it was just one week in this campaign. Come November 4th, this week will be important to voters, but every week will be."

Nevertheless, Plouffe may be pleasantly surprised. A Gallup daily tracking poll releasd Saturday found that Obama had stretched his lead over McCain among national registered voters to seven points -- 48 percent to 41 percent -- tying his widest previous lead, notched in early June.

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