iPhone's Bad Moves In Corporate Smartphone Wars

iPhone's Bad Moves In Corporate Smartphone Wars

So there appears to be something of a shortage of iPhones this time around, and while it's probably good for "creating buzz" it's not so great for wooing busy business customers away from their Blackberries, according to reader James. You see, only the Apple store has iPhones, but only the AT&T store can activate them for James.

James writes (to Steve Jobs):

...Since opening day, I have been tracking stores in my travels in Virginia, North Carolina and New York, since I have been traveling through all those states in the last few weeks. Last night, the Richmond Short Pump Apple store again had stock. I had a flight at 10am the next morning and figured I could leave my house at 630, get there at 730, hopefully have the phone by 8:30 and be at the airport by 9. When I arrived I was third in line and all went smoothly. I had all of my information and was on my way, until the Apple store employee got an error.

'Are you a corporate customer with ATT?', he asked.


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