BarackBook Update: It Gets Worse

BarackBook Update: It Gets Worse

My friends, I am really starting to question the McCain campaign's commitment to the promising, high-concept satire they launched yesterday with BarackBook, which totally convinced me that John McCain should be made President of the Surge.

Over at the Official BarackBook Application On Facebook, the McCain camp has disabled the public view of all the wonderful reviews the app was receiving from users, still holding strong at 1.4 stars out of five! It's really too bad, because they were vastly entertaining, especially the five star review which read, in part: "I loves me some John McCain! But then I waz banneded from his webz. So now I PRAYZ to Jeebus!" Now, I have no idea what the Official BarackBook Application On Facebook, besides provide a heavy stone of failure to fill the gap in their sould left by the disabling of Scrabulous.

Meanwhile, at BarackBook proper, there are still no further updates from yesterday morning's "Marilyn Katz has updated her profile." WTFevers, McCainiacs? Y'all have slept on some good opportunities! Why not "Barack Obama has become a fan of David Hasselhoff" or "Barack Obama is now friends with Britney Spears" or "Barack Obama is now friends with Ludacris?" This is good stuff I'm just handing you! I mean, it's not really good stuff, but in the context of what the GOP seems to be capable of, this is comedy gold.

Now, I know a bunch of commenters are going to yell at me, "FOOL! Why are you trying to help the McCain campaign?" Because they truly, truly need it! Truly.

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