Huffpollstrology: Candidates' Horoscopes, Polls And More For August 5

Huffpollstrology: Candidates' Horoscopes, Polls And More For August 5

Polls have come to dominate the media's horse race coverage of political campaigns. Pundits and reporters constantly use them to tell us who's hot and who's not -- but skip over the fact that plummeting response rates and variables like undecided voters and margins of error and often render these polls useless as anything other than lightweight diversions on par with horoscopes and political betting lines. Our HuffPollstrology chart helps keep you up to date on the latest poll results, along with the latest horoscope predictions, and the latest online political betting lines - and will hopefully help the polling junkies in the media keep polls in the proper perspective.


Gallup Daily
August 29, 1936

You may now be involved in a project which means stripping something back to basics. It would be understandable if you are irritated that this should still be necessary. The assistance of a designer who understands the need to preserve the past, whilst also embracing a new style that's also important to you, could be a major factor. A creative venture could hit a stumbling block�� possibly in some way connected to family or organisation that means a great deal to you.

chance of



Gallup Daily
August 4, 1961

It's likely that you are under some sort of time pressure. It may be necessary to complete a particular task before the end of next week, preferably before this weekend. Presentation issues could emerge. You may be determined to be seen in the best possible light but first need to deal with power struggles involving someone younger. to reduce pressure, you might do well to organise time out.

chance of


89 degrees (F), 10% chance of rain.

102 degrees (F), 10% chance of rain.

94 degrees (F), 20% chance of rain.

95 degrees (F), 0% chance of rain.


General Election Poll: Gallup Tracking Poll

The general-election results are based on combined data from August 1-3, 2008. For results based on this sample of 2,659 registered voters, the maximum margin of sampling error is ±2 percentage points.



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