Obama Heckled, Leads Crowd In Pledge Of Allegiance

Obama Heckled, Leads Crowd In Pledge Of Allegiance

McClatchy reports on another interruption at a Barack Obama event:

A heckler sitting in the press section interrupted Barack Obama's opening remarks at a town hall meeting in Berea, Ohio, and forced the candidate to lead the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience of several thousands groaned with the heckling, but Obama waved them back and said then led the group in reciting the pledge.

Ben Smith has more:

A slightly odd moment at the beginning of Barack Obama's event in Berea, OH, when a man on the press riser -- apparently a photographer -- began loudly demanding that the crowd recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

The crowd began to chant, drowning the man out, but Obama -- perhaps sensing a moment of peril -- quickly shushed them, and led the crowd in the Pledge.

"We usually do an invocation and a pledge before we start," he said. "I don't know why we didn't, but this young man reminded us."

Obama was heckled last week for not focusing on African-American issues.

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