Bob Dullam Builds Replica Batmobile (PHOTOS)

Bob Dullam Builds Replica Batmobile (PHOTOS)

If Bob Dullam had a bumper sticker that said, "My other car is a batmobile," he wouldn't be kidding.

That's because he's built himself a replica of the batmobile from the "The Dark Knight."

The vehicle, which is known as the batman tumbler, is home made, he says, and "built from scratch in my garage."

He estimates he spent between $50,000 and $70,000 building it.

That's not all: he also made himself a batsuit, and says a batpod is next.

According to car culture blog Jalopnik, Dullam said:

No, not building this to sell. You wouldn't want to sell this if you had one, believe me. It's a once in a lifetime project.
I did this alone, no help. I have found with other things in the past that if you have help, the help often does not get it(parts) right, and you have to do it over 95% of the time, plus I like to work alone. All parts are scratch built, cept' tires, rims, brakes, engine, etc.. meaning all bodyparts, brackets, just about everything external on the car. Yes, I will do a batpod, and TDK suit for myself. I love building this stuff.

Dullam posted photos of the vehicle along with updates on an online message board.

See photos below:

No word on whether his batmobile actually works, or whether it's armed with heat-seeking missiles.

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