A Night Out With Elisabeth Shue

A Night Out With Elisabeth Shue

"SORRY, I have to be the schoolmarm," said Elisabeth Shue -- she who was nominated for an Oscar for playing a prostitute in "Leaving Las Vegas" -- as she donned prescription glasses in La Esquina, the dimly-lighted basement restaurant. Pulling back her thick sun-kissed mane, she perused the menu and announced, "I eat everything."

On a brief stopover from Montana to Martha's Vineyard, while on vacation with her husband, the director Davis Guggenheim, and their three children, Ms. Shue, 44, dined with two girlfriends. She was doing her best to explain her new film, "Hamlet 2," a comedy in which she plays a fictionalized version of herself, having given up show business to become a nurse only to fall for a down-on-his-luck drama teacher (and rather fervent Elisabeth Shue fan) played by Steve Coogan.

"I come and talk to his class, and they all don't know who I am at all," Ms. Shue said with a laugh. "And one girl is like, 'What would you miss if you weren't an actress?' And I was like, 'I think I'd miss making out with all the guys.' "

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