Shia LaBeouf Gives Jay Leno His Fingernail, Pines For Diane Sawyer (VIDEO)

Shia LaBeouf Gives Jay Leno His Fingernail, Pines For Diane Sawyer (VIDEO)

Shia LaBeouf gifted Jay Leno with his rotted off fingernail when he appeared on "The Tonight Show" Tuesday night. In July the actor was in a car wreck, which was not his fault, and has necessitated surgery. His hand is still in a small splint and it seems a fingernail may be the latest casualty.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with one man sharing himself with another man... My fingernail ripped off yesterday at work and I thought I'd give it to you."


Shia, 22, also talked about Diane Sawyer, 62, on whom he has a crush.

"I don't want to do dirty stuff, I don't think. Just, like, go to a park... have her read to me, cut up some fruits, talk about the economy."

He then looked into the camera to give her a message.


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