Palin's 'Bridge To Nowhere,' Forever And Ever (VIDEO)

Palin's 'Bridge To Nowhere,' Forever And Ever (VIDEO)

Hey, you know that speech Sarah Palin gave at the Republican National Convention? That she kept on giving, over and over again, every time a camera alit on her visage these past two weeks? There was a time that I thought the cable news networks were never going to stop giving that same speech wall-to-wall coverage, every single day. But then, two days ago, while Palin was giving the speech, one by one, the networks dropped coverage! And that's when I realized -- I NEEDED THAT PALIN SPEECH. Needed it like a junkie needs his fix. I just had to have a daily taste of those eerily uniformly intoned Palinisms. Well, our in-house pranksters at 23/6 have come to my rescue with this video, which will allow everyone to have a daily -- if not MINUTELY -- dose of Palin saying "thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere ... thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere ... thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere ... thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere ..."

Now, I just want someone to do the same with that "I put it on eBay" line, and I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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