How To Find A Green Job

How To Find A Green Job

Whew, what a week! No matter how into the environment you are, we all have to depend on the other kind of green -- dollars, that is -- which has been a pretty nerve-racking affair lately.

If you think your job is in danger, or if you're just looking for a fresh start, the good news is that there are options out there for people looking for green jobs. And green jobs ought to be growing in the future, too! Just check out the advice from our friends at Treehugger on finding green jobs:

The green job market is booming. The demand for environmental or atmospheric scientists, hydrologists, urban planners, landscape architects, sustainable designers and environmental teachers outstrips the average economic growth rate. Consulting firms are all targeting this juicy market and hiring to serve it. Opening your own business in green niche markets may be attractive. Funds and donations for environmental causes are supporting more non-governmental organizations and activist groups. Financial types are all running after the "triple bottom line" and windfarm investments. All this adds up to one thing: going green is big business, and there are new jobs created every day to support the burgeoning industry.

Planet Discovery also has a cool green job search guide, which reminds you that you can start working toward a green career even before you have a green job:

Build a Green Resume
As soon as you have some fields which you think may be interesting, try to get involved. Volunteer to help out in a project, to start a green campaign, or to be the back-up for the greenest guy/gal on staff where you work right now. This will build your skills and give you confidence that you are making the right choice for your next career move. Look for tips in our guide for How to Go Green: Volunteerism.

If you're having a hard time finding an existing green job, maybe it's time to try Grist's adventurous green job advice:

Grow your own. Can't find a green job you like? Consider starting your own eco-business, perhaps partnering with like-minded acquaintances on the venture. If that feels too daunting, keep looking for work at existing companies, and volunteer at an environmental organization or company on the side. And hey, while you're stuck in your non-green job, do what you can to bring some eco to your office. Change is possible no matter who you are or where you work -- bet your bottom dollar.

Or, of course, if you've got more idea, post them in the comments for other readers. Good luck!

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