Franken Puts Out Most Personal Ad Of Cycle

Franken Puts Out Most Personal Ad Of Cycle

Al Franken's senatorial campaign has put out one of the more highly personal and emotionally charged ads of this election cycle.

The spot is narrated by his wife Franni, who details her struggles with alcoholism as well as the support that Franken provided throughout the trying process. It is the type of ad that is incredibly rare in high-pitched elections like the one being waged in Minnesota. It has the potential to effect voters in either way. Some might shy away from the candidate's wife being put on center stage. But one thing is for sure: it poses a striking contrast to the type of negative spots that have marked the race between Franken and Senator Norm Coleman.

Over the past few weeks, the Republican National Senatorial Committee has put out an ad that claims Franken "writes about committing rape," and "writes pornography so vile, Democrats denounced it." Seriously, this is stuff that makes McCain-Obama look tame. (For the record, both of Coleman's references were to Franken's work as a comedian). Recently, moreover, the RNSC was found to have cropped footage of Franken doing an animated imitation of former Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone in an effort to portray the Democratic candidate as angry and unfit for office.

The Franken campaign's new ad places him well above the political fray and goes hard against the portrayal Coleman is pushing. The campaign is putting money behind it as well, as it is one of only two now running across the state.

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