Palin Opposed Sudan Protest She Claims To Support

Palin Opposed Sudan Protest She Claims To Support

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fought to protest atrocities in Sudan by dropping assets tied to the country's brutal regime from the state's multi-billion-dollar investment fund, she claimed during Thursday's vice presidential debate.

Not quite, according to a review of the public record - and according to the recollections of a legislator and others who pushed a measure to divest Alaskan holdings in Sudan-linked investments.

"The [Palin] administration killed our bill," said Alaska state representative Les Gara, D-Anchorage. Gara and state Rep. Bob Lynn, R-Anchorage, co-sponsored a resolution early this year to force the Alaska Permanent Fund - a $40 billion investment fund, a portion of whose dividends are distributed annually to state residents - to divest millions of dollars in holdings tied to the Sudanese government.

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