Right-Wingers, Reporters Make Up Biden "Bosniac" Gaffe

Right-Wingers, Reporters Make Up Biden "Bosniac" Gaffe

TPM noted last night that Joe Biden used a word that would probably be misinterpreted as a gaffe:

Watching the debate I noticed that Biden referred to the Muslim population of Bosnia and Herzegovina as "Bosniaks". This is actually the correct term, though in English people often say simply Bosnian Muslims. When he said it, the first thing I though was, I wonder how many right-wingers would jump on this as a gaffe on the model of candidate George W. Bush's reference to 'Grecians.'

Democracy Arsenal has more on the term's use.

Red State fell for it. So did Powerline and Mona Charen at the National Review.

Journalists at the Chicago Tribune and Philadelphia Inquirer got it wrong too. As did Cokie Roberts:

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