New DNC Ad Criticizes McCain Over Negative Attack Ads (VIDEO)

New DNC Ad Criticizes McCain Over Negative Attack Ads (VIDEO)

The DNC has released a new ad criticizing McCain for his aggressive turn towards negative campaigning. The spot ends with McCain, in a clip on the campaign trail from 2000, saying "if all you run is negative attack ads you don't have much of a vision for the future, or you're not ready to articulate it." As TPM notes, the McCain campaign's ad spending is now nearly 100 percent devoted to attack ads. Watch the DNC's new ad below.

CHYRON: "John McCain... readying a newly aggressive assault on Sen. Barack Obama's character." [Washington Post, 10/04/08]

VIDEO: Montage of McCain attack ads

CHYRON: John McCain is "looking forward to turning a page on this financial crisis." [Washington Post, 10/04/08]

VIDEO: Montage of McCain attack ads

CHYRON: McCain Campaign's Ad Spending Now Nearly 100 Percent Devoted to Attack Ads [Talking Points Memo, 10/3/08]

MCAIN: "I'm John McCain and I approved this message."

MCCAIN: "Uh, I, I just have to rely on the good judgment of the voters not to buy into these negative attack ads. Sooner or later, people are going to figure out if all you run is negative attack ads you don't have much of a vision for the future or you're not ready to articulate it." [The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, 2/21/2000]

CHYRON: John McCain: We Can't Afford More of the Same

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