Alan Cumming: When Bush Won I Got Drunk With A Transsexual

Alan Cumming: When Bush Won I Got Drunk With A Transsexual

He's not a naturalized citizen yet. But it doesn't mean he hasn't marked voting day in his own special way in the past. Last night, while emceeing an Obama fund-raiser at the East Village studio of artist Gregory Colbert, Cumming told us about his One Crazy Night -- Election 2004. We smell a classic in the making!

The doe-eyed scamp doesn't quite remember where the evening started, but Harvey Weinstein was definitely there. The trouble began when the Hollywood impresario got a disappointing phone call from a Kerry campaigner in Florida. "I remember thinking, Fuck, it's actually not gonna happen," Cumming recalls. Wearing a "Worst President Ever" T-shirt, Cumming and his partner (now husband), Graham, "made this pact to each other that we'd go to every trashy gay bar we knew. I remember doing handstands at Splash. You know where the evening's going when you're doing handstands at Splash." Sounds like a normal night to us, but whatever!

Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, Cumming and friends "ended up in a hotel opposite ground zero with a tranny. We checked into a hotel because it was the only way we could think of getting more booze." Oh, a celeb-tranny like Lypsinka or something? we asked. "She wasn't famous. Nice though! We were just so desperately unhappy."

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