Arianna, Mike Huckabee Duke It Out In Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

Arianna, Mike Huckabee Duke It Out In Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

CBS local news reports:

A former governor and a former candidate for governor, each with political opinions that couldn't set them further apart were in Hershey Monday night to duke it out.

Guests of the Pennsylvania Chamber, Mike Huckabee and Arianna Huffington squared off in Hershey Monday night, just one night before presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama square off again before the nation.

In Huckabee's opinion, it will be a night where McCain must battle back from a recent pattern of hick-ups stemming from the recent financial bailout bill. "First of all, going back to Washington, saying I was getting to leave the campaign trail, I think people saw him acting like a senator, not a president. Then, saying he might skip the debate, that didn't help him. When he then went to the debate, then when he signed the bailout package. There were several things in a row that have now shifted the momentum to Obama," says Huckabee.


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