Liveblog! Obama and McCain Square Off in Nashville

Our takeaway: Obama's still cool, McCain's still cranky, and Brokaw needs his teleprompter. Also, apparently McCain's known how to get Osama bin Laden this whole time. Aw jeez, NOW he tells us!

Update: It's over! Our takeaway: Obama's still cool, McCain's still cranky, and Brokaw needs his teleprompter. Also, apparently McCain's known how to get Osama bin Laden this whole time. Aw jeez, NOW he tells us!

Our liveblog of the debate is below. Here's a video of the debate and here's some debate highlights and analysis.

Update: Here's a video of our debate livebloggers after the liveblog with our impressions of the debate. So maybe we can save you some reading!


Debate! Townhall! No follow-up questions! It's the second Presidential Debate, and just in time for the campaign to turn really, really nasty! Does Obama pal around with terrorists? Is McCain "erratic?" Which one of them was responsible for the failure of the first bailout plan, and the success of the second? Who wants change and who puts country first? And what does Joe Sixpack think about it all? Tonight, on the campus of Belmont University in Nashville, Tennesse, the candidates will tell YOU their vision of America while Tom Brokaw watches quietly and tries not to do anything that will get the McCain campaign angry. That's Olbermann's job.

Our job, on the other hand, is to liveblog the heck out of this thing, doggone it, and you betcha we will! Check out the liveblog below - our list of awesome livebloggers is below that! Whooo, here we go!

Here they are, in alphabetical order because we couldn't possibly rank them by sheer awesomeness:
  • Henry Blodget, Wall Street maven, founder of Silicon Alley Insider, also he had experience in the stock market before that! He also hired our next liveblogger, who is...

  • John Carney, fellow Wall Street maven, managing editor of ClusterStock and former editor Dealbreaker, former corporate lawyer, and person who understands exactly what this whole bailout thing actually means!
  • Ana Marie Cox, Time blogger, Radar Washington editor, crackerjack Twitterer and person with whom I have been in bed! I hope she doesn't hog the sheets during tonight's liveblog!
  • Peter Feld, former democratic strategist and pollster and TV talking head and contributor to numerous publications around town! We poached him from Gawker!
  • Keli Goff, author of Party Crashing: How the Hip-Hop Generation Declared Political Independence, BET contributor, frequent cable commentator and HuffPo blogger!
  • Melissa Lafsky, writer for Discover magazine's "Reality Base" blogger, former writer and editor of the NYT's Freakonomics blog, HuffPo contributor and self-blogger at!
  • Glynnis MacNicol, FishbowlNY co-editor and perennial HuffPo debate liveblogger, and person who has also been in bed with me and Ana! But we're not using that to sell this liveblog! We swear!
  • Kevin Madden, former spokesperson for Mitt Romney and current commentator on ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX and enough other networks to make up the entire alphabet, except maybe for Al Jazeera!
  • John Neffinger, also a perennial HuffPo debate liveblogger, communications and body language expert who has blogged and pundited extensively on the subject during this campaign!
  • Rachel Sklar, aka me, HuffPo's Senior Contributing Editor and writer/editor of "Eat The Press," which is where you are right now and which you immediately plan to bookmark! Also enjoys writing creative bios about people who may think twice about working with her again!
  • Rex Sorgatz, multi-faceted web guy who blogs at Fimoculous, was formerly the executive producer of, contributes to a wide range of magazines like New York and Wired, reported from the RNC for Radar, and has great taste in women!
  • Maureen Tkacik, founding editor/writer of Jezebel editor and until very very recently a Gawker writer/editor, too! Until very, very recently! Also a former Wall Street Journal staffer and "30 Under 30" award recipient for something financial-ish!
  • Come join us! It's gonna be awesome!

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