Bill Burton: Media Coverage Of Election A Cross Between 'McCain Infomercial' And 'Episode Of The X-Files'

Bill Burton: Media Coverage Of Election A Cross Between 'McCain Infomercial' And 'Episode Of The X-Files'

So, this morning, while many are figuring out how John McCain's new mortgage plan will help spur America to the point where every single risk taken with money anywhere will be socialized, there are still many in the press who want to talk about Bill Ayers.

No one wants to talk to Bill Ayers, of course, because then they might discover how empty all the overheated rhetoric is, plus he probably still has bombs. But they'll talk to as many third and fourth parties to people who were in grade school when the Weather Underground stalked the landscape of fashionably anti-social radicalism, including Obama flack Bill Burton. Burton hasn't got much new to say about the matter, not like the Fox And Friends crew have demonstrated the capacity to learn much more beyond their pre-arranged feeding and bathing times, but at least Burton gets to trot out a good line: "I've been watching TV this morning. It's like a mix between an infomercial for the McCain campaign and an episode of the X-Files."

Next time Burton faces these questions, he should find a way to get cartoon cuckoos to circle his head. Of course, then they'll get asked WHEN DID BARACK OBAMA FORM THIS ALLIANCE WITH CARTOON CUCKOOS!


Like I said before, the grown-ups are talking about this mortgage plan of McCain's, and liberals and conservatives are reaching the sort of accord on this new idea of McCain's that Mulder and Scully struggled to reach. Paul Krugman, as you might expect, says it "manages to take everything that's wrong with the Paulson plan and make it worse." Brad DeLong avers: "Out of the blue, McCain has just proposed a large, no-strings-attached gift of taxpayer cash to bank executives who failed at their business of risk management, and to bank shareholders who failed at their business of hiring executives. That's simply corrupt."

But conservatives do not want to believe in McCain's idea, either! The National Review has declared that the McCain plan can not "improve on current law without rewarding an unacceptable amount of bad behavior." The Wall Street Journal editorial board bluntly notes that it "appears to offer no upside for taxpayers." George Will is among the most unsparing, telling his readers that when McCain announced this idea during this week's presidential debate, "conservatives participating in MSNBC's 'dial group' wrenched their dials in a wrist-spraining spasm of disapproval."

All of them are correct!

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