McCain Attack Ads By Hollywood Auteurs, Round Two

McCain Attack Ads By Hollywood Auteurs, Round Two

Last week, LandlineTV released a reel of spoofs, using the aesthetic of well-known Hollywood directors (John Woo, Wes Anderson, and Kevin Smith) as a jumping-off place for parodies of John McCain attack ads. I thought it was just okay, with the Wes Anderson spot being the strongest. But now, Landline has put out a second round, and they've really found the sweet spot -- with attack ads as imagined by Diablo Cody, M. Night Shyamalan, and David Lynch.

The Shyamalan spot seems right to me -- it probably proves that I've either seen too many or too few of his movies to know any better. NO TREES KILL ANYONE, so that's good news. I have seen many David Lynch movies, and Landline has captured his metier perfectly -- you get a dose of Twin Peaks, a bit of Mulholland Drive, and Lynch's harsh pirouettes between kitschy quirk and oppressive menace. But, my friends, the Diablo Cody spot is pretty pants-wettingly funny. Pretty much nailed me at the first instance of Levi Johnston's "baby paste." I guess Bristol Palin and I have that in common!

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