Mailbag: The Case For Home-Schooling In California

Mailbag: The Case For Home-Schooling In California

We want your stories! What was your voting experience like? What interactions have you had with the campaigns? Are you volunteering for a candidate? Have you received any last minute robocalls or campaign mail? Let us know what's happening in your neck of the woods: email

Lia, from California's Central Valley, writes:

I have many troubling personal stories from this election. I live in the Central Valley of CA in a very conservative and evangelical area. People are very passionate, angry and yes bitter. I see on every suburban and Lexus a McCain/Palin sticker and many stickers that proudly say "I'm voting for Sarah! " I have also heard many sad and sickening things like "Hey, the monkey's onTV!" or "Its ok because Biden is actually really going to be the President."

Yes I have had my signs stolen. But much worse than that I have had to read letters to the editor of my small town paper by the Catholic Bishop lying to the people in the name of God claiming that the church will be forced to marry gays or it will be at risk of lawsuits. And other priest and Catholics falsely claiming that a vote for a pro choice candidate is a sin of which the Pope has clearly stated to Americans to vote their conscience.

All this I can tolerate,but what has happened to my children is what is the saddest. My daughter was given a GATE class assignment to participate in a political debate. Her subject was to take Obamas position on the economy and taxes. She had brought in a paper from the Washington Post showing Obamas position side by side to McCains and asked if she could pass it out as evidence. After the debate her teacher told her, in front of other students, that Democrats want abortions and Democrats are like the Germans who followed Hitler blindly believing everything they were told without any thought. She told my child that her father and I just did not understand and the trickle down theory has worked wonderfully for many years. She also told my daughter that she should watch FOX news to get an unbiased view of the news. The teacher was so forceful my daughter thought the teacher might cry.

However, after the teacher brought up FOX news all the teachers credibility went out the window and my daughter saw this woman in a whole new light. I only wish this religious fanatic would read the constitution rather than watch FOX as is my wish for the rest of this backwards little town. I would love to give this woman a piece of my mind but it is a very small town and there is a long way to go yet to the end of the year.

Thanks for letting me vent - God Bless America, all of it, and all of us!

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