236.com: PED (Post-Election Depression) Is Real, And In This Case, Untreatable

236.com: PED (Post-Election Depression) Is Real, And In This Case, Untreatable

Tuesday night's results were thrilling, and the ensuing three days so breathtaking (Rahm Emanuel, maybe Bobby Kennedy Jr., "Mutt like me") that we weren't prepared for our current depression.

Barack Obama is better than us. We've analyzed our lives from every possible angle, and from no vantage point do we win. He is smarter than us, and more even-tempered. His marriage is stronger and his children are more adorable (our child just turned 2, and he bites.) Barack works out, he can do chin ups and he surfs. He can discuss his tax plan with any old plumber on the street. He is funny. Not just "funny for a politician", but actually funny. He went to two Ivy Leagues universities and then took a low-paying job that helped people. We dropped out of several community colleges and then telemarketed, which, if we recall, exploited the elderly.

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