Video ID, YouTube's Digital Fingerprint, YouTube's Key To Winning Over Media Companies

Video ID, YouTube's Digital Fingerprint, YouTube's Key To Winning Over Media Companies

YouTube's key tool to win over media companies is VideoID, used to identify copyrighted content no matter who publishes it.

More than 300 groups, such as CBS, Lionsgate and Sony Music, use the system to automatically check files being loaded to the site by users against the latest television shows and music videos.

Content owners can then elect to block infringing videos, generate advertising revenue from them or just track their popularity.

VideoID lets media companies create their own "fingerprints", or identifiers, for their content, which avoids a need for them to just hand over content to Google, an important psychological barrier.

Google says 90 per cent of claims made on content have been to place ads against, rather than block it.

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