Dem Foreign Policy Experts Fear Clinton Team

Dem Foreign Policy Experts Fear Clinton Team

With Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) almost certain to become President-elect Barack Obama's secretary of state, some foreign-policy experts in the Obama orbit are expressing frustration.

Clinton herself isn't so much the problem, they say. It's the loyalists and traditional thinkers Clinton is likely to bring into the State Dept. if she becomes secretary.

The dispute is only partly ideological in nature. While the coterie of foreign-policy thinkers around Obama have been more liberal, in an aggregate sense -- on issues like Iraq and negotiations with America's adversaries -- the Obama loyalists question the boldness of the Clintonites. They fear that Obama's apparent embrace of Clinton represents an acquiescence to the conventional Democratic foreign-policy approaches that they once derided as courting disaster. Some wonder whether a Clinton-run State Dept. will hire progressive Obama partisans after an acrimonious primary.

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