5 Surprisingly Effective Natural Aphrodisiacs

5 Surprisingly Effective Natural Aphrodisiacs

Forget the alcohol, Spanish Fly, Viagra, and other unmentionable sex enhancers, the most passionate aphrodisiacs are only a supermarket away. And we aren't talking about specialty items hidden in the international aisle, like some bark off a tree in South Africa, or a red-crusted algae that grows on the bottoms of a toilet seats located in Antarctica. The stuff we're talking about is common natural products that you probably already have in your refrigerator. And if you don't...then it's time to go grocery shopping, because you're going to love what these foods can do for your sex life.

Surprisingly Sexy Ingredient #1: Cornstarch

The first item on this list isn't something you eat, it's about the feel of the cornstarch on your body (half- to full-nude body preferred).

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