Steve Schmidt: Jindal Is GOP's Destiny

Steve Schmidt: Jindal Is GOP's Destiny

Ramesh Ponnuru at the National Review notes that a number of Republican heavyweights are hyping Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal as the party's future, as a weekend Washington Post article shows:

No less an aspiring kingmaker than Steve Schmidt, the chief strategist of McCain's failed presidential bid, sees Jindal as the Republican Party's destiny. "The question is not whether he'll be president, but when he'll be president, because he will be elected someday." The anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist believes, too, that Jindal is a certainty to occupy the White House, and conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh has described him as "the next Ronald Reagan."

Ponnuru, however, isn't sure "this sort of swooning is really going to be helpful to Gov. Jindal in the long run."

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