Rendell Hot Mic Again: Palin "Not A Genius" But Has "Great Instincts"

Rendell Hot Mic Again: Palin "Not A Genius" But Has "Great Instincts"

Further examination of the videotape reveals that Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell's comments about Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano's not having a life (and thus being the perfect nominee to be PEBO's Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security) weren't the only ones he made on the hot mike in Philly.

The stocky Democrat and chair of the National Governors Association also weighed in on another colleague -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Parts of the comments are inaudible, but here's what you can hear:

"Look, she has a right to be here," Rendell said. "I think she has great instincts. She's not a genius, but she has very good political instincts."

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