Keith Olbermann Hits Conservative Trifecta: Names Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Will Worst Persons

Keith Olbermann Hits Conservative Trifecta: Names Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Will Worst Persons

Keith Olbermann hit a conservative trifecta on Tuesday night's "Countdown," naming Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and Washington Post columnist George Will his three worst persons in the world.

Will took the bronze for his column suggesting that liberals are trying to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, specifically to derail the right's hold on talk radio. However, as Olbermann pointed out, Will could not name any Democrat who pushed for the Fairness Doctrine because none have done so.

Hannity took the silver for complaining that Democrats rushed to indict Ted Stevens and vote him out of office, while it was Stevens himself who called for the speediest trial possible.

And O'Reilly took the gold for his ambush of New Yorker writer Rick Hertzberg, who O'Reilly claimed had rejected requests to appear on "The O'Reilly Factor." However, as Olbermann reports, Hertzberg and The New Yorker deny that he was ever invited, and say he will appear if asked.


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