Blagojevich Photo Caption Contest

Blagojevich Photo Caption Contest

UPDATE 12/17

After nearly a week of voting, there is finally a winner in the Blagojevich Caption Contest:

*Actual rat may appear different than illustration from commenter JMilla

Second place: All the signs were there from CoOpEdAmerica

Third place: Why are my campaign posters still up? from Proudchicagoan

Congratulations to the finalists and a big thanks to everyone who participated.

UPDATE 12/12

The entries have been pared down to 10 finalists. Vote for your favorite below. The poll will be open all weekend and the winner will be announced Monday.


UPDATE 12/12

After combing through more than 600 entries, we decided that were too many good ones for us to pick the winner. Check back later tonight to see the finalists. Voting will be open all weekend.


Saying a picture is worth a thousand words is an oft-used cliche, but it seems to apply to this photo of disgraced Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The shot, taken by Brian Kersey for Getty Images, caught Blagojevich as he was leaving his home Thursday morning through a back alley-- and passing by a city rat control sign.

If any picture cried out for a Huffington Post Caption Contest it's this one.

The rules are simple:

Write whatever you think is the best caption for the photo in the comments section below. Avoid profanity and stupidity. And check back Friday at 6 p.m. CST to see the winner.

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