Al Sharpton Tells Media He Got A Got A Call From Caroline Kennedy

Al Sharpton Tells Media He Got A Got A Call From Caroline Kennedy

Now she's really running.

Caroline Kennedy, who began seeking Hillary Clinton's Senate seat in earnest today, placed a call this afternoon to Rev. Al Sharpton, and Sharpton promptly put out his statement, vouching for her credentials:

I received a call this afternoon from Caroline Kennedy who expressed to me her interest in the United States Senate seat open in New York City with the choice of Senator Clinton becoming Secretary of State. We discussed briefly our mutual work on education reform and our concern that the nation move in the right direction in education and other areas.

I told her that while I do have discussions from time to time with Governor Paterson on a variety of important issues, we have not had any meaningful discussions about her or any other potential candidate to date. Further, I told Ms. Kennedy that I will respect whatever choice Governor Paterson makes for New York's next Senator.

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