Melissa Etheridge Takes On Elisabeth Hasselbeck Over Prop 8 (VIDEO)

Melissa Etheridge Takes On Elisabeth Hasselbeck Over Prop 8 (VIDEO)

Melissa Etheridge stopped by "The View" Tuesday, but before singing a Christmas song she challenged co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck about Prop 8.

Etheridge married partner Tammy Lynn Michaels, which whom she has twin two-year olds, in 2003.

"To have people vote to take away rights is very un-American," Etheridge told the cohosts talking about her disappointment over Prop 8.

She then singled out Elisabeth for a previous show's discussion on the issue when she cited a Swedish priest. "I was saddened with your conversation only because I felt you misleaded people when you started to talk about a Swedish priest who was put in jail..."

Elisabeth got defensive and backed away. "We're not in California. I didn't vote on Prop 8. I wasn't there..."

The conversation got a little more heated from there, but Etheridge stayed cool and cited Thomas Jefferson while Elisabeth fought back. Sadly for viewers, Sherri then interrupted and had Etheridge sing a song, inviting her back another time to talk gay marriage.

Until next time!


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