Kennedy To <i>NYT</i> Interviewers: You Should Write For "A Woman's Magazine"

Kennedy ToInterviewers: You Should Write For "A Woman's Magazine"

Nicholas Confessore and David Halbfinger interviewed Caroline Kennedy for the New York Times this weekend and concluded that she is "less of a candidate than an idea of one." According to the interview transcript, published in full online, Kennedy wasn't very impressed either:

NC: Could you, for the sake of storytelling, could you tell us a little bit about that moment, like, where you were, what you said to [your husband] about your decision, how that played out?

CK: Have you guys ever thought about writing for, like, a woman's magazine or something? (Laughter)

DH: What do you have against women's magazines?

CK: Nothing at all, but I thought you were the crack political team here. As I said, it was kind of over a period of time, you know, obviously we talked about politics, we talked about what's going on, we've been watching the team that the president-elect is putting together -- Hillary Clinton is going to be a spectacular part of that team, you know, then there was a vacancy here, you know, just like everybody else, you know: who's going to fill it, isn't that interesting, there's a lot of great candidates, you know, obviously I have become much more politically involved than I have in the past, so you know, I figure, why not try, I really think I have something to offer.

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