Sharon Osbourne Lashes Out At Reality Show Contestant Megan Hauserman (VIDEO)

Sharon Osbourne Lashes Out At Reality Show Contestant Megan Hauserman (VIDEO)

Rock wife Sharon Osbourne lashed out at a "Rock of Love Charm School" contestant on the reunion show, which aired Sunday night. Megan Hauserman first filed a police report when the special taped in December, claiming Sharon had grabbed her hair, scratched her, and pulled out part of her weave.

What aired was Megan insulting Sharon's husband Ozzy Osbourne, after Sharon told Megan she should not procreate as one of her is enough. Sharon stands up, pretends to sip a drink, and then pours it over Megan instead. It was edited down.

Several minutes around the fight are below, which is bleeped and followed by security rushing the stage and carrying Megan off.


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