Senate President Cullerton: Emanuel Of 'Minimal Value' To Blago

Senate President Cullerton: Emanuel Of 'Minimal Value' To Blago

Blagojevich has invoked the name of new White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel numerous times today, saying he wants to summon Emanuel to the witness stand to testify that, as Emanuel said on "Face the Nation" and elsewhere, Blagojevich never tried to make an unwholesome deal with him when the two men were discussion the vacant U.S. Senate seat in Illinois.

Cullerton said he was sure that the Illinois Senate would stipulate to that fact.

As a witness, Rahm would have minimal value. He would be able to say only that Blagojevich didn't try to sell the senate seat to him. That tells us very little about what he did or didn't say to other people.

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