Pelosi: Caroline Kennedy Not Victim Of Sexism (VIDEO)

Pelosi: Caroline Kennedy Not Victim Of Sexism (VIDEO)

On "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos Sunday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that she doesn't see any sexism in the way Caroline Kennedy's Senate bid collapsed.

"I didn't see it that way," Pelosi said, adding that she wasn't in New York so she only followed the drama "peripherally."

"Politics is a brutal business, it really is brutal," Pelosi told Stephanopoulos. "And once you put yourself out there as a possible candidate for an office, you know, you're in the arena, the fight begins."


New York Magazine has a long rundown of the whole Caroline Kennedy saga here. According to the article, Gov. David Paterson asked Kennedy to lie about her withdrawal from the race.

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