Old Jews Telling Jokes (VIDEO)

Old Jews Telling Jokes (VIDEO)

A new Website, OldJewsTellingJokes.com, shows people that are not your grandparents telling mildly inappropriate jokes that one would expect to hear in the Catskills. Created by Sam Hoffman the site offers new videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays usually from his family members. Hoffman describes his reasons for starting the site here:

"Jokes are like stories, but shorter and funnier. Old jokes tend to have a stigma, but they only last if they're good. Some of the best ones provide a window to the culture of a bygone era. They can reveal the concerns of a generation or even the generation before. Anxieties of coming to a new country, of prospering, of assimilating, of having families, of fearing and worrying about, well, everything. Humor was and is the ultimate anti-depressant."

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