Great Moments In David Letterman Interviews (VIDEO)

Great Moments In David Letterman Interviews (VIDEO)

We all know now that Feb. 11 was a blur for Joaquin Phoenix, and Feb. 12 turned out to be a blurry cold/flu vision for me, but who will look at this Friday the 13th and find it blurry? Spoiler alert: Probably you. That said, the Phoenix interview on The Late Show with David Letterman got me thinking about Letterman's many great and infamous moments over the years. There are a few people who look upon their Letterman spots as times to shine, whether it be for good (Bill Murray, Martin Short, Bruce Willis) or those who use him for their own evil self-purposes (Bill O'Reilly, Howard Stern, Paris Hilton). And then there are those who, well, just sort of take over the show, whether they meant to or not. This blog post is devoted to those celebs who took Letterman by surprise before Joaquin Phoenix.

The nine greatest moments in David Letterman interviews, after the jump.

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