Fox News' Strategy Room: "The View" Meets Rush Limbaugh Meets "Wayne's World"

Fox News' Strategy Room: "The View" Meets Rush Limbaugh Meets "Wayne's World"

Fox is a latecomer to producing live news programming for the Web. CNN and ABC News have had video channels streaming online for a few years. Those webcasts mimic the format of traditional cable news channels, with a mix of anchored newscasts and specialized programs.

"The Strategy Room," by contrast, resembles ABC's "The View" mixed with a dash of Rush Limbaugh and a generous helping of "Wayne's World." The program began as a series of special webcasts on the evenings of some of the major presidential primaries and then during the political conventions. Then Fox turned it into a five-day-a-week, 9-to-5 session in September, produced on a budget hardly more than pocket change.

It tries to make its rough edges a virtue, defining it as a news channel for the YouTube world. Hosts, Fox correspondents and guests of all sorts wander on and off camera, drinking coffee and soda, tapping at their BlackBerrys and laptops, reading news and responding to comments from viewers.

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